
I woke up so early this morning. I'm about to pass out.  I had about three cups of coffee earlier, but supposedly Costa Rican coffee has less caffeine than American coffee does...figures. We started the day off viewing the different rooms of the hotel and some of the homes of the property owners. My absolute favorite was 'la cascada'. It was absolutely gorgeous. They had a purple bathroom! Anyway after that, I worked Marvin's shift at the hotel. He showed me the ins-n-outs of the software they use, what all his job entails, and how to be sociable to the guests and appeal to their interests. Marvin had to take care of some business so I joined up with my new best friend Francisco to man the concierge desk. You guys, I had a Suite Life of Zack and Cody moment. I got to answer and transfer calls (because my Spanish is muy bueno) and file receipts and whatnot. It was really funny trying to communicate with everyone. Half of them spoke to me in English because they wanted me to help them improve and the other half spoke in Spanish (quite quickly might I add). Marvin's shift finished and I met him and the rest of the girls (who are worked at different places today) for dinner at the (only) local restaurant outside of the hotel, K'mbute.

la palabra del dia: mae = dude

don't trip

I now want a purple bathroom

look at all the pretty shells!
I swear every pool here is an infinity pool.

Marvin...doing whatever he does :)
I should be on payroll

Francisco teaching me how to file receipts.  
Marvin gave me a flower

this is the face of Hotel Punta Islita