
This morning Marvin took us on an official tour of the town and explained the meaning behind all of the artwork. It's incredible the amount of symbolism that is put into every work of art around here. Unfortunately I left my camera in my room this morning so you are going to have to deal with my lovely instagram photos. After the tour, I started my shift at the centro infantil (the daycare). I'm not gonna lie, those were the most adorable kids I've ever seen. They we so well mannered and enamored by the fact that I spoke both Spanish and English. They kept giving me books to read in my strange accent. After nap time and a quick snack, we made all sorts of things with playdoh. I can really see the emphasis the community places on free creative expression. It's quite liberating to be in a place that tries to debunk western aesthetics and create something that is uniquely their own. After I said farewell to the kids as they each left with their parents, I headed over to the centro creativo for Megan's intermediate English class. We talked about holiday traditions and how they differ within each culture. Megan does this thing where she posts partial lyrics to a song on facebook  for her class to copy. They each listen to the song and try to fill in the missing words to their best ability. This really helps them comprehend different accents as well as broaden their musical pallet. This week they listened to "It's a New Day" by Will.I.Am. We all joined in on singing the song once we had the correct lyrics. One of the students suggested that we have a karaoke night on Friday for the whole class. I'm totally in. This will be exciting!

really cool water spout

Joe is the resident artist here in Islita


Marvin giving us a tour

when you think of a mermaid what image pops in your mind? is that your own original thought or is that years of outside influence?